Introducing Future Fit Leaders Program

‘CEOs who embrace upskilling are realising the rewards, such as a stronger corporate culture, greater innovation and higher workforce productivity’ – PwC CEO Global Report 2020

A new type of business environment requires a new breed of leader: an individual who is a catalyst for transformation, a leader who can adapt swiftly to change, keep teams engaged and delivering in a complex and demanding environment. We believe that being ‘Future Fit’ starts with these foundational skills.

Course Objectives & Capabilities
The objective of this program is to advance the workforce by building confidence and competence in key soft skills. We’ll achieve this using real world scenarios, tactical exercises and hearing from experts across different industries.

Participants who complete the program will develop the ability to:

  • Understand and articulate the value they bring to an organisation
  • Deliver a compelling presentation
  • Recognise the traits of an adaptable mindset
  • Consider the role of creativity in their organisation
  • Identify creative triggers and translate those into innovative projects
  • Understand the principles of trust in team function
  • Create an individual curriculum for continuous learning
  • Identify and create connections with mentors, sponsors and advisors
    Lead confidently in a demanding environment

Course Structure
Eight weeks with a total learner time of approximately 25 hours.

At an organisational level you will receive reporting on your teams’ performance. You’ll be able to see engagement levels across your team. You will see the teams capability uplift as a whole and individually. Theirs and your data is water tight and only accessible to those with permissions. Granular level data and analytics can be extracted from the Cahoot platform for your own systems.

Course Structure
Introduction with Andrea Clarke Why the future of work is about your talent and not technology Pre-Course Case Study Pre-Course Capability Assessment

Module 1 – Reputation Capital What is reputation capital How to define your brand Creating an elevator pitch Sharpening your online presence
Interview: Helen McCabe, Founder of Future Women

Module 2 – Communicating with Authority How to sound credible Powerful body language Use of language How to write a compelling short report
Interview: Sally Dwyer, HR Specialist

Module 3 Continuous Learning The value of continuous learning Defining what we need to learn Create your own curriculum Why we need to UNLEARN
Interview: Warren Kennard, EdTech Expert

Module 4 – Creativity The role of creativity in the market How we can be more creative
Interview: Reuben Young, Head of Amplify Innovation Festival

Module 5 – Accelerating Trust in Teams Why trust is important Who do you trust Turning good teams into great teams
Interview: Dominic Price, Atlassian

Module 6 – Adaptive Leadership Leading through change Future Me New modes of modern leadership Interview: Dominic Price, Atlassian A new approach to networking Mapping your network How to find mentors, sponsors & advisers Interview: Bernard Salt, The Demographics Group

Module 7 – Health, Wellbeing & Resilience Live webinar with Dr Simone Ryan, Totium Health

Post-Course Capability Assessment Certificate

Let us start the conversation about scheduling an open program for you, your team, your business for continuous learning and staying relevant.  Call our team on 1800 377 368 or email us on [email protected].

Future Fit Leadership Program

8 Week Digital Course

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